Kathy S. Hevrin D.D.S.

1788 Hwy 157 N Ste 101 Mansfield TX


A crown is the dental term for a restoration which encircles or covers a tooth. Most commonly crowns are used to improve the strength of the tooth. Teeth with cracks and large fillings are the most likely candidate for a crown. Dr. Hevrin makes gold and porcelain crowns which look like real teeth. Most crowns are expected to last about 10 years.

Bridges are used to replace missing teeth. There are several types of bridges including conventional fixed and cantilever bridges. Both types require the surrounding teeth adjacent to the missing tooth to be shaped for the crowns which support the pontic crown that replaces the missing tooth.

Dr Hevin does a lot of crowns. She wants to save your teeth as long as possible. A crown is the dental term for a restoration which encircles or caps a tooth. Most commonly crowns are used to improve appearance and weakness. There are many different methods and materials used to crown a tooth. Crowns can be made to look like real teeth if needed. This is important when the crowned tooth is in the front of the mouth. Though some crowns may last a lifetime, most are expected to last 10 years. Having a crown replaced is not uncommon.

Because Dr Hevrin must grind a portion of tooth away when a dental crown is made, she always considers if a more conservative dental procedure could equally improve the tooth's appearance. We consider porcelain veneer, dental bonding, or even just teeth whitening as options before grinding teeth down for a crown.

Dr Hevrin considers other factors also. Does the patient grind their teeth? Where is this tooth? These are issues Dr Hevrin takes into account when determinig which procedure would be best. What would be best with one patient would not be best for another.

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